We are approved to offer examinations for Part 66 Category A, B1.1 and B2, compliant with Part 147. A.205 – Basic Knowledge Examinations which are conducted under the Technical College Part 147 Approval Reference EASA.147.0176 for EASA and UK.147.0012 for the UK CAA.
Students who have purchased our online module(s) receive their first exam attempt, when the exam is sat at our approved centre in Norwich, UK, as part of the package. If required, further re-take attempts will incur an additional charge of £50 (incl VAT) per exam.
Candidates who are not registered on our online modules can still book an exam and will be charged £50 (incl VAT) per exam.
Please see our schedule of exam dates for the forthcoming year and download the exam booking form below. For information regarding basic exam requirements please refer to the exam booking form.
Payment methods include debit/credit card or bank transfer. Please contact the team at examteam@klmuk.com for details.
Book an exam
To book an exam, download the exam booking form, complete and return it to examteam@klmuk.com along with your payment. Please ensure that all exam bookings/requests are submitted no later than 5 working days prior to your chosen exam date.
Please see below for our exam policies and procedures and if you have any queries regarding examinations, please contact the team at examteam@klmuk.com.

Our policies and procedures
Please ensure you follow this link to read the information regarding Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/989 changes which will take effect from 12th June 2024 and how KLM UK Engineering Technical College will be implementing the required changes.
Please note candidates attending our Part 147 approved examination centre in the UK will be offered EASA and/or UK CAA ‘Certificate of Recognition Examination only’ if the associated module examination is successfully passed.
Please note: From 1st January 2023, the requirements regarding acceptance of EASA issued certificate of recognition, approvals and licences for the operation and/or maintenance of U.K. registered aircraft has changed. Please contact the UK CAA directly or see their website here for further information.
Please also note that we are unable to provide any certification for completing just the online element of our Category A or B online courses.
UKCAA Part-66, Appendix II, 1.11 states “A failed module may not be retaken for at least 90 days following the date of the failed module examination”.
EASA Part-66, Appendix II, 1.11 states “An examination in a module may not be retaken earlier than 90 days following the date of a failed examination in that module”
With the exception case of a Part-147 approved maintenance training organisation which conducts a course of retraining tailored to the failed subjects in the particular module when the failed module may be re-taken after 30 days.”
Unfortunately, KLMUKE Technical College are unable to offer tailored revision to our online customers and therefore the 90-day rule will apply.
UKCAA Part-66, Appendix II, 1.13 states “The maximum number of consecutive attempts for each module is three. Further sets of three attempts are allowed with a 12-month waiting period between sets.”
Without prejudice to the examination attempt constraints laid out in UKCAA Appendix II, 1.13, KLMUK Engineering Technical College interprets “three consecutive attempts” at an individual module examination to mean that the 2nd and 3rd attempts are made within 12 months following the 1st attempt.
If the student fails to achieve a pass after these three consecutive attempts, a “waiting period” is imposed from the date of the last attempt, which prohibits the student from re-attempting the UKCAA examination for 12 months (at any approved UKCAA Examination Centre).
EASA Part-66, Appendix II, 1.13 states “The maximum number of attempts for each examination is three in a 12-month period.”
Without prejudice to the examination attempt constraints laid out in EASA Part-66 Appendix II, 1.13, KLMUK Engineering Technical College interprets “three attempts” at an individual module examination to mean that the 2nd and 3rd attempts are made within 12 months following the 1st attempt.
If the student fails to achieve a pass after three attempts in a 12 month period, a “waiting period” is imposed from the date of the last attempt for the remainder of the 12 month period from the first attempt. This prohibits the student from re-attempting the EASA examination (at any approved EASA Examination Centre).
Please note only candidates attending our Part 147 approved examination centre in the UK will be offered both EASA and UK CAA certification on successful completion of their exams.
The following criteria to undertake Basic examinations at the KLMUK Engineering Technical College applies:
(a) All examinations are conducted under the Technical College Part 147 Approval Reference EASA.147.0176 for EASA and UK.147.0012 for the UK CAA and are compliant with Part 147. A.205 – Basic Knowledge Examinations.
(b) Examinations will be conducted without the use of training notes.
(c) Examination bookings are made via email to examteam@klmuk.com and must be made at least 5 working days prior to the examination required date to confirm your place. Booking is operated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
(d) Multiple examinations will be allowed per sitting, as long as the total time for all exams does not exceed 180 minutes (note: UKCAA and EASA exams for the same module can be sat in the same sitting, again provided the time does not exceed 180 mins). Refer to Appendix 1 Examination durations for UKCAA and EASA.
(e) The fee for the first attempt at any exam is included in the cost of the access to the online study material and further attempts will be charged at £50 per exam. Non-registered candidates will be charged at £50 per exam, with Module 7A Essays combined.
(f) Payment terms are cash, debit / credit card or bank transfer, payable to ‘KLMUK Engineering Ltd’. Contact examteam@klmuk.com for bank transfer details.
(g) Return your completed booking form, with payment as required, to confirm your place. Payment on the day of the examination is not permitted. Payments are non-refundable upon cancellation and non-transferrable to another date within 5 days or less notice. Requests to change dates/times of exam sittings will be only be considered with mitigating circumstances.
(h) Photographic identification must be presented prior to sitting any of the examinations.
(i) Examination results will normally be available the following week. In the case of essay examinations, it may be longer due to the availability of the examiner.. Candidates will be notified via email.
(j) Certificates will be issued upon achieving the regulated pass mark of 75% or above, using the Personal Details provided on the exam booking form Page 1. Copies of certificates and results will be kept on the KLMUK Engineering Technical College files for a minimum of 10 years.
(k) Candidates should be present at the examination centre at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time for the commencement of each examination sitting. Late arrivals will NOT be permitted to enter the examination once the examination has started.
(l) All candidates are required to present photo Identification (ID) on the exam day. Acceptable photo ID’s are passport, Photo ID Driving Licence, UK Forces ID, company or student ID.
(m) Personal coats, bags, briefcases, etc. may be placed at the front of the examination room, under direction of the exam invigilator.
(n) Candidates are advised that the ‘no smoking’ regulations must be observed.
(o) Candidates are not allowed to use any loose paper other than that provided at the examination. All papers issued are to be returned with answer sheet to the invigilator on completion.
(p) You will be required to provide your own blue or black ink pens; no other colours or pencils are allowed for completing any examination papers.
(q) The use of calculators is NOT permitted.
(r) Silence is to be observed in the examination room at all times.
(s) Alarms, smart watches, portable electronic devices and any sound generating devices are not permitted. Mobile telephones, pagers etc. must be switched OFF and left with the candidate’s personal belongings.
(u) As per UKCAA and EASA Part 66 Appendix II, 1.13, and with reference to failed examination attempts, “the applicant shall provide, in a written statement to the approved maintenance training organisation or the competent authority (UKCAA/EASA) to which they apply for an examination, the number, and dates of attempts during the 12 months preceding the examination, and the organisation or the competent authority where those attempts took place. The approved maintenance training organisation or the competent authority is responsible for checking the number of attempts within the applicable time frames.”
Please complete the table within the examination booking form, and with reference to this specific examination booking, please indicate which related module examinations you have unsuccessfully attempted within the last 12 month period.
(v) Any candidate who is found cheating, or attempts to remove unauthorised examination materials from the room, will be liable to disqualification from those examinations which have been taken and, subject to UK and/or EU regulations, will not be allowed to take any further examinations for 12 months.
By checking the related box on the examination booking form, you are informing KLMUK Engineering Technical College that you have read and understood the information given in UKCAA and/or EASA PART 66 Basic Exam Requirements and that you will be eligible to sit the chosen exam(s) on the date(s) requested.
By checking the related box on the examination booking form, you are consenting to KLMUK Engineering Ltd storing your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation