Course Objectives
To provide the student with theoretical knowledge, and practical experience of the B737-600/700/800/900 series (CFM56) aircraft. Following successful completion of the course the student shall be able to demonstrate detailed knowledge of the aircraft systems, perform system function tests in accordance with the aircraft manuals. Interpret and demonstrate the use of aircraft documentation including maintenance manuals, illustrated parts catalogue, structural repair and troubleshooting manuals etc. The student should also be able to demonstrate the use of manuals and approved procedures in respect of trouble shooting, defect rectification, inspection limitations and the use of the Minimum Equipment List.
Primary Target Group
- Part 66 B1 and/or B2 Licensed Engineers wanting to add this type rating to their Aircraft Maintenance License
- Line Maintenance Control staff
Recommended Requirements
Holding or in the process of attaining a Basic Aircraft Maintenance License.
Course Material
Online and downloadable detailed Boeing 737 airframe and engine notes in ATA chapter order
Instruction Delivery
Instructor delivered online class via Zoom. Classroom based courses available on request.
Multi choice exams
EASA and/or UKCAA Part 147 Approved type Certificate of Recognition
Price per Place
Contact for pricing