Module 02: Physics

Module 02: Physics


SKU: N/A Category:

This Category B physics module is designed to provide the background knowledge necessary to understand the operation of aircraft equipment and systems. The student will gain an overview of the SI system of units, the structure of matter and the properties of solids, liquids and gases. The basic principles of statics, kinetics and dynamics are explained, and calculations performed using appropriate formulae. Other subjects include the effects of simple vibration theory and basic gyroscopic principles. Basic thermodynamic principles are explained and simple related calculations performed. The basic principles of the sound and electromagnetic wave propagation are reviewed, and the propagation of light is investigated with a view to its use in fibre optic communications.

Primary Target Group

  • Engineering minded persons seeking to enter the sector
  • Professionals working in the industry who wish to obtain or enhance their license privileges 

Module Material

Online and downloadable detailed EASA and/or UK CAA approved Part 66 module study material.

Please see here for Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/989 changes for important information regarding module study, related examinations and certificate of recognition.

Use the drop-down menu to select either EASA, UKCAA or EASA & UKCAA for purchasing and access to the respective study resources.

For the differences in the Part 66 module topics and respective knowledge levels between UKCAA and EASA , please see here.

Recommended Requirements

Please see here for our computer requirements for accessing our online material.

Delivery Method

Self Study

Module Access 

56 day access to the module study material from day of purchase. (additional 14 days access for EASA & UKCAA pathway)


Multi choice exam (essay for applicable modules 7A, 9A & 10). See Exam Centre section here for more information.


EASA and/or UKCAA Part 147 Approved type Certificate of Recognition (Examination Only)
