Section outline

  • Select the 'Study Support' link above to find the downloadable module study notes and more in this section. 

    Scroll down, or use the navigation block on the left, and go to Chapter 14 to see how our module chapter content is laid out. 

    • Study Notes

      These are the study notes for Module 5 (B1) Digital Techniques and Electronic Instrument Systems. 

      Please note:

      The accuracy and currency of  KLM UK Engineering Training Course Materials is only ensured when accessed via the KLM UK Engineering Online Training website (

      All training material once downloaded and or printed from the KLM UK Engineering Online Training website ( will not be subject to further amendment or update and it becomes the users responsibility to ensure currency and accuracy.

      Accordingly users are advised to confirm the currency and accuracy of downloaded or printed training materials they hold and use for study, by reference to the KLM UK Engineering Online Training website (

    • Support Material

    • News Forum

    • Student Forum

      Please use this forum to ask any Digital Techniques and Electronic Instrument Systems related questions.

    • Glossary

      Help build a list of terms & descriptions for this topic.

    • Revision Tutorials

      Please find the recordings from our recorded revision tutorials below.  Each tutorial covers a variety of module related topics based on student requests, forum queries and quiz analysis.