Module 04 (B1): Electronic Fundamentals

Module 04 (B1): Electronic Fundamentals


SKU: N/A Category:

This category B1 Electronic Fundamentals module starts by looking at the building block of semiconductor components: the P-N junction, this is followed by a look at the characteristics, operation, uses, and basic testing of diodes and transistors.

Basic logic gates and linear circuits are then introduced and basic AtoD and DtoA conversion techniques investigated. The module concludes with looking at the transducers and synchronous data transmission systems found on an aircraft.

Recommended Requirements


Module Material

Please see here for Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/989 changes for important information regarding module study, related examinations and certificate of recognition.

Online and downloadable detailed EASA and/or UK CAA approved Part 66 module study material.

Use the drop-down menu to select either EASA, UKCAA or EASA & UKCAA for purchasing and access to the respective study resources.

For the differences in the Part 66 module topics and respective knowledge levels between UKCAA and EASA , please see here.

Delivery Method

Self Study

Module Access 

28 day access to the module study material from day of purchase (additional 14 days access for EASA & UKCAA pathway)


Multi choice exam (essay for applicable modules 7A, 9A & 10). See Exam Centre section here for more information.


EASA and/or UKCAA Part 147 Approved type Certificate of Recognition (Examination Only)
