When studying our Part 66 modules, you will see that they are all laid out the same.  Each will have a study support section, sections for each of the module material chapters and ending off with a revision assessment section.  When breaking down into the related module chapter, again each is laid out in the same fashion.  You will have the module learning material, a learning summary and a chapter related quiz.  

We strongly recommend reading the module content, watching any related videos and taking your notes, before you move on to the quiz.   Similarly, the revision assessment section should be used once you have studies all the module topics.  The quizzes alone will not provide you with enough information to be able to successfully pass the associated formal assessment.  Essentially, do not use the quizzes solely to study!  

The quizzes are to be used as a support and diagnostic tool to allow testing of knowledge during your study.  They are not classed as practice questions nor are they reflective in context to the approved examinations.  

Here's a review of the quizzes and how to use them effectively.

Last modified: Thursday, 13 October 2022, 12:09 PM